Trigonometry – Determining Even, Odd, or Neither for Cosine Function


I am asked the following question

For what values of $k$ is $f(x)=\cos(x-k)$

a) even

b) odd

c) neither

I am not quite sure how to tackle this problem, I only got so far as to say, for example in letter a,

$$f(-x) = f(x)$$
$$\cos(-x-k) = \cos(x-k)$$

I'm not sure how to continue from here.

Best Answer


Use Prosthaphaeresis Formulas

For the even case,

$$\cos(-x-k)=\cos(x-k)\iff2\sin x\sin k=0$$

As $x$ is arbitrary, $\cos x\ne0\implies\sin k=0$

Similarly for the odd case