For the existence of one-point compactification, do we need locally compactness


In the book Topology by Munkres, at page 184, it is given the existence and uniqueness of one point compactification of a locally compact Hausdorff space; however, in the existence part, I can't see where we needed the locally compactness of that space, and this raised the question:

Does one point compactification of a Hausdorff space always exist (even though it is not unique) ?

See the proof in the book;

(sorry for the images; they are just for reference for those that doesn't have the book with them)

enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

For any space $X$ we can construct a space $\alpha(X)$, the Aleksandrov extension of $X$ by defining a space $Y$ as Munkres does with the extra provision that we take all complements of closed compact subsets of $X$ as the extra neighbourhoods for $\infty$. One can easily check that $\alpha(X)$ is then compact.

The "closed" is needed in general because if e.g. $X$ is not Hausdorff it could have some compact subset $K$ which is not closed, and then (if we were to omit the closed condition) $(X\setminus K) \cup \{\infty\}$ would be open while its intersection with $X$ would be $X\setminus K$, which was not open, so if we left out the closed condition $X$ would not have the same topology as a subspace of $\alpha(X)$ as originally, going against the idea of an extension/compactification: we want to embed $X$ in a larger space with better properties, so in the larger space it should be a subspace with the same topology that it had originally.

If we want $Y = \alpha(X)$ to be Hausdorff, (so in particular $X$ should then be Hausdorff, as a subspace of $Y$) we need to be able to separate $\infty$ from every point $x$ in $X$. As a neighbourhood of $\infty$ is of the form $\{\infty\} \cup X \setminus C$, with $C$ compact and closed, every point $x$ should then have a neighbourhood that sits inside a compact closed set, i.e. $X$ must be locally compact.

So $\alpha(X)$ can always be defined such that $\alpha(X)\setminus X$ is a point and $X$ is a subspace of $\alpha(X)$ and it is always compact (regardless of $X$) but $\alpha(X)$ is Hausdorff iff $X$ is locally compact and Hausdorff. A special case is when $X$ is already Hausdorff and compact, in which case we add an isolated point $\infty$ (as $X$ can be taken as $C$, a compact closed subset) and we get that $X$ is not dense in $\alpha(X)$.

Normally we only consider Hausdorff compactifications and in that case the local compactness is needed for the Hausdorffness of the construction $\alpha(X)$. And also because then $X$ is an open subset of a compact Hausdorff space and thus locally compact for that reason.