For simple, connected graph $G$ with minimum degree $\geq k$, if $k\geq 3$, does $G$ always have a cycle of length exactly $k+1$

graph theory

Let $G$ be a simple, connected graph such that $\delta(G)\geq k$ (where $\delta(G)$ is the minimum degree). If $k$ is at least $3$, does $G$ always have a cycle of length exactly $k+1$?

P.S: I feel this is somwthat an extension to this question below:

Let $G$ be a graph of minimum degree $k>1$. Show that $G$ has a cycle of length at least $k+1$

I can't construct a graph with minimum degree 3 but not having cycles of length 4. Thanks a lot if you can show one!

Best Answer

Vertices and edges of truncated tetrahedron.

Similarly for the truncated dodecahedron. Every vertex has degree 3. There are many cycles length greater than 4, but none length 4.

enter image description here

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