For n even, Fermat’s Last Theorem has no Twin Pythagorean Triples.

number theorysolution-verification

This is my first naïve attempt at stating and proving a Lemma. Is it valid? Thanks!


Twin Pythagorean Triple. A Pythagorean Triple (a,b,c) for which two values are consecutive integers. Some examples are $(3, 4, 5), (5, 12, 13), (7, 24, 25),…$

Fermat's Last Theorem. For any integer n > 2, the equation $a^n+b^n=c^n$ has no positive integer solutions.

Mihăilescu's Theorem. The integers $2^3$ and $3^2$ are two powers of natural numbers whose values ($8$ and $9$, respectively) are consecutive. The theorem states that this is the only case of two consecutive powers.


Assuming FLT has not yet been proved!


For $n$ even, Fermat's Last Theorem has no Twin Pythagorean Triples.


Let $n = 2k$ $(k \in \mathbb N, k>1)$


can be expressed as


Notice the Pythagorean Triple


Assume Twin Triple, then

$(b^k-a^k = 1)$ or $(c^k-b^k = 1)$

resulting in pairs of two consecutive powers

$(a^k,b^k)$ or $(b^k,c^k)$

However, by Mihăilescu's Theorem, the only case of two consecutive powers is



$(b^k-a^k > 1)$ or $(c^k-b^k > 1)$

Therefore, no Twin Triple exists for $k>1$. $\square$

Best Answer

$FLT$ having already been proved it is clear that this is not possible. Then by "rule of the game" we assume that $FLT$ has not yet been proved. $$(x^n)^2+(y^n)^2=(z^n)^2$$ By definition we want that $y^n-x^n=1$ or $z^n-y^n=1$. This is trivially impossible because $$y^n-x^n=(y-x)P(x,y)\\z^n-y^n=(z-y)Q(z,y)$$ Do we need more explanation? I have not understood the problem?