For level-wise free chain-complexes a quasi-isomorphism is always induced by homotopy equivalence


Let $C_{\cdot}, D_{\cdot}$ be level-wise free chain-complexes, i.e. such that each $C_n$ and $D_n$ is a free abelian group.
Let $f:C_{\cdot} \to D_{\cdot}$ be a chain-map and a quasi-isomorphism. Thus we find a map $\tilde{g}:H_{\cdot}(D) \to H_{\cdot}(C)$ such that $H_n(f) \circ \tilde{g} = \operatorname{id}_{H_{\cdot}(D)}$ and $\tilde{g} \circ H_{\cdot}=\operatorname{id}_{H_{\cdot}(D)}$.

Prove that there exists a map $g:D_{\cdot} \to C_{\cdot}$ such that $g \circ f$ and $f \circ g$ are chain homotopic to the respective identites.

My ideas: I tried to write all the boundary maps down as explicit linear maps, as well as $f$, and somehow calculate $g$. This did not work out.

Any hints or references would be welcome.

Edit: I would also be very interested in hints/a solution to the problem under the additional assumption that both complexes are bounded from below.

Best Answer

One approach is to use the mapping cone of a chain complex. For some details, see these notes, for example, and in particular Corollary 2.5 is getting to the result you want. Addendum: the cited notes are really just replicating section 1.5 of Weibel's book An Introduction to Homological Algebra. Corollary 1.5.4 is the relevant one.

Given a chain map $f: C_{\bullet} \to D_{\bullet}$, define its mapping cone $C(f)_{\bullet}$ to be the chain complex with $n$th term $C_{n-1} \oplus D_{n}$, boundary map $\begin{pmatrix} -\partial^{C} & 0 \\ f & \partial^{D} \end{pmatrix}$. Then there is a natural map $D_{\bullet} \to C(f)_{\bullet}$ and the maps $C_{\bullet} \to D_{\bullet} \to C(f)_{\bullet}$ induce a long exact sequence in homology. If the map $f$ is a quasi-isomorphism, then $C(f)_{\bullet}$ is free (that's the corollary from the notes), and furthermore it is degree-wise free. If it is bounded below, then it must be contractible (chain-homotopy equivalent to zero). This is not hard to prove by induction. (See also and, which both at least peripherally address the case of chain complexes, in addition to topological spaces.)

Now I claim that the chain homotopy between $1$ and $0$ on $C(f)_\bullet$ gives a chain homotopy equivalence between $C_\bullet$ and $D_\bullet$. This requires some checking.

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