For every positive integer n, determine the greatest possible value of the quotient $\frac{1-x^n-(1-x)^n}{x(1-x)^n+(1-x)x^n}$ where $0\lt x\lt1$

number theoryreal numbers

For every positive integer n, determine the greatest possible value of the quotient

where $0\lt x\lt1$

Ive never dealt with a question like this so im not sure how to approach it, hints aswell as answers would be appreciated

taken from SAMO 2016 senior round 3

Best Answer

HINT.-Make a coordinate change by putting $\dfrac12 + x$ instead of $x$ you get $$f(x)=\frac{2^n-(1+2x)^n-(1-2x)^n}{(0.25-x^2)[(1+2x)^{n-1}+(1-2x)^{n-1}]}$$ It follows that the resulting function is such that $f(x)=f(-x)$ in other words the vertical $x=\dfrac12$ is an axis of symmetry for each of the original functions.

Taking now the derivative of $g(x)=\dfrac{1-x^n-(1-x)^n}{x(1-x)^n+(1-x)x^n}$ we can forget the positive denominator and get a numerator $A-B$ where $$A=(nx(1-x)^{n-1}+nx^n+x^n+nx^{n-1}(1-x)^{n+1}+(1-x)^{2n}\\B=nx^{n+1}(1-x)^{n-1}+nx^{n-1}+x^{2n}+(1-x)^n$$ Calculation gives for $A-B$ positive value for $\dfrac12-\epsilon$ and negative value for $\dfrac12+\epsilon$. This shows that the functions take a maximum at $x=\dfrac12$.

Consequently the required maximum is $$g\left(\dfrac12\right)=2^n-2$$