For every function field $L$ there is a smooth projective curve $C$ with $L\simeq k(C)$


Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field. It is well-known that:

The category of smooth (i.e., non-singular) projective curves with dominant morphisms is equivalent to the category of functions fields over $k$ in one variable with morphisms of $k$-algebras.

I'm trying to formalize the bijective correspondence between smooth projective curves and fields in one variable.

The map $C\mapsto k(C)$ which sends a smooth projective curve $C$ to its function field is the natural way to do it. It is injective (up to isomorphism), because $k(C)\simeq k(C')\Rightarrow C\simeq^{\text{birr}} C'\Rightarrow C\simeq^{\text{isom}} C'$.

But surjectivity is tricky. Let $L$ be a function field over $k$ in one variable. Then $\exists\, x\in L$ such that $L\mid k(x)$ is a finite extension. Letting $A$ be the integral closure of $k[x]$ in $L$, then $A$ is a finitely generated $k$-algebra and a domain, so $A\simeq k[x_1,…,x_n]/I(X)$ for some affine variety $X\subset \mathbb{A}^n$.

Now since $k(X)\simeq\text{Frac}(A)=L$, which has transcendence degree $1$, we have $\dim X=1$, so $X$ is a curve. Besides, since $A$ in integrally closed by construction, $X$ must be normal. But $\dim X=1$, so $X$ must be non-singular.

Since the projective closure $\overline{X}$ is birrationally equivalent to $X$, it seems like I'm almost there. The problem is that $\overline{X}$ may be singular at some point.

How do I treat this generally?

Best Answer

You're almost there. For each curve $X$ there exists a proper birational morphism $Y \to X$ where $Y$ is smooth, hence this finishes the proof. Such a map is called a resolution of singularities. In general existence of such maps is still open (but true in characteristic zero).