For a $\sigma$-finite measure $\mu$, show that for $f$<$\infty$, non negative and measurable, $f\cdot \mu$ is $\sigma$-finite


Let ($\Omega,A,\mu$) be the $\sigma$-finite measure space in question.
If $B_1\subset B_2\subset B_3\dots$ is a nested sequence so that $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}$$B_n$=$\Omega$ and $\mu(B_n)<\infty$.
My attempt has been the following: $\phi_n\nearrow f$, with $\phi_n$ simple functions. Now on each set $B_n$,$\phi_n$ is bounded by some $M$>0. So $\int_{B_n}\phi_n d\mu$<$M\cdot \mu(B_n)$<$\infty$.
I was not able to prove this for measurable, non negative functions in general yet.
, because I do not know how the claim of boundedness on specific sets would translate to $f$.

Best Answer

You mixed up indices when you wrote the inequality: $$ \int_{B_n} \phi_n \mathrm d\mu < M \mu(B_n) $$ You should use two different set of indices, one for the sequence $\phi_n$ and one for the sequence $B_n$. Let's use $m$ for the latter, then we have: $$ \int_{B_m} \phi_n \mathrm d\mu < M \mu(B_m) $$ Now, since $f$ can be unbounded on $B_m$, we must get clever. We have to slice up $B_m$ in a sequence $B_m^k$ of sets defined as $$ B_m^k = f^{-1}([0, k)) \cap B_m = \{f < k\} \cap B_m $$ And the bundle them up again like so $$ B'_k = \bigcup_{\ell,m \leq k} B_m^\ell $$ Notice that $B_k'$ still exhibits $\mu$ as a $\sigma$-finite measure but now $f$ is bounded on $B_k'$.

Now set $M_k = \sup_{B_k'} f$ and finish up by passing $$ \int_{B_k'} \phi_n \mathrm d\mu < M_k \mu(B_k') $$ through the monotone convergence theorem, so you can bring the limit for $n \to \infty$ (notice: $n$, not $k$) inside the integral.

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