For a fixed $a \in R$, determine the dimension of the subspace of $P_n(R)$ defined by ${f \in P_n (R): f(a)=0}$.

linear algebravector-spaces

Here is the question: For a fixed $a \in R$, determine the dimension of the subspace of $P_n(R)$ defined by ${f \in P_n (R): f(a)=0}$.

Since $f(a) =0$, we can write $a_n x^n+ a_n-1 x^{n-1}+… a_0 x^0$=0

How do I argue that for $P_n (R)$ in this case, there are $n$ dimensions?

Best Answer

Hint: What is the degree of the polynomial once you factor the root $(x-a)$ from $f$? If $a$ is the only root, then $g(x)(x-a) = f(x)$ and $g(x)$ would be a basis.

The reason that the set $1, x, x^2, ..., x^n$ is a basis for $P_n(\mathbb{R})$ is because by definition a polynomial $p \in P_n(\mathbb{R})$ has the form: $$p(x)= a_n x^n+a_{n-1}x^{n-1}+...a_0$$ thus a linear combination of the selected basis hits all vectors in the space. We need not choose this set as a basis, however. Any linearly independent set of vectors which has a length corresponding to the dimension of the space will also be a basis.

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