For 2 sets, prove this without using venn diagrams or membership tables


prove this:

How do I prove this without using venn diagrams or membership tables? I don't really understand. can someone help?

I meant, I don't know how to solve it without venn diagrams: I can start with let x belong to (A complement) union B, so x belongs to A complement or x belong to B. So if x belongs to A complement, x doesn't belong to A. So x doesn't belong to A or X belongs to B.. I'm stuck here.

Best Answer

First we will show if $\bar A\cup B = \mathcal U,$ then $A\subseteq B.$ So assume $\bar A\cup B=\mathcal U,$ and let $a\in A.$ Then, in order to show $A\subseteq B$we need to show $a\in B.$ Since $\mathcal U$ is universal, we have $a\in \mathcal U = \bar A \cup B.$ So $a\in \bar A$ or $a\in B.$ Since $a\in A,$ $a\notin \bar A.$ Therefore $a\in B,$ and since $a$ was an arbitrary element of $A,$ this shows that $A\subseteq B.$

Conversely, assume $A\subseteq B.$ In order to show $\bar A\cup B = \mathcal U,$ we will start with and arbitrary $x\in \mathcal U$ and show $x\in \bar A \cup B.$ If $x\notin \bar A,$ then $x\in A,$ and since $A\subseteq B,$ this means $x\in B.$ Thus $x$ is either in $\bar A$ or in $B,$ so $x\in \bar A\cup B.$ Since $x$ was an arbitrary element of $\mathcal U,$ this means $\mathcal U\subseteq \bar A\cup B,$ and since $\mathcal U$ is universal, of course $\bar A\cup B\subseteq \mathcal U,$ so $\bar A \cup B = \mathcal U.$