Fixed points of ordinal exponentiation for bases besides $\omega$

fixed points-fixed-point-theoremsordinalsset-theory

The first fixed point of the map $x \to \omega^x$ is the first epsilon number $\epsilon_0$, which is the supremum of $\omega, \omega^\omega, \omega^{\omega^\omega}, … = \omega^{\omega^{\omega^{.^{.^{.}}}}}$.

How does this change if we use a different base for ordinal exponentiation, for instance $x \to (\omega+1)^x$? Then the first fixed point would be the supremum of $\omega+1, (\omega+1)^{(\omega+1)}, (\omega+1)^{(\omega+1)^{(\omega+1)}}, … = (\omega+1)^{(\omega+1)^{(\omega+1)^{.^{.^{.}}}}}$.

In general, my questions are:

  1. Does changing the base to $\omega+1$ yield a different class of fixed points than the epsilon numbers?
  2. What about changing the base to $\omega\cdot2$, or $\omega^2$, or in general, any countable ordinal less than $\epsilon_0$? (Or more than $\epsilon_0$?)
  3. Do you get a different class of fixed points for every base? If not, when do you get a different class?

A nice way to put this is to ask about the fixed points of the general function $f(\alpha, \beta) \to \alpha^\beta$, which should be continuous and strictly increasing (a normal function) in the argument $\beta$. Are these characterized and well-known?

Best Answer

If $\omega\le\alpha<\epsilon_0$, then we get a "dovetailing" phenomenon (and so identical fixed points) - namely, any finite exponential tower of $\alpha$s is bounded by some finite exponential tower of $\omega$s (since $\alpha<\epsilon_0$) and vice versa (since $\omega\le\alpha$). For example, taking $\alpha=\omega^2+1$ we have $\alpha<\omega^\omega$, so $$\alpha^{\alpha^\alpha}\le\omega^{\omega^{\omega^{\omega^{\omega^{\omega}}}}}.$$ In general, it's easy to show that if $f, g$ are normal and for every finite $n$ there is some finite $m$ such that $f(n)<g(m)$ and $g(n)<f(m)$, then the least fixed points of $f$ and $g$ are equal.

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