Fixed point iteration VS Bisection


I need to answer a multiple choice question that goes like this –

Does fixed point iteration method always faster than bisection method?"

  • Yes
  • No

Now, I know that fixed point is faster, I have seen the math behind the convergence
But I wonder if there's like a specific case where I would pick bisection over fixed point ?
How would you answer that question cause I feel like I didn't get enough information or the question isn't well phrased.

Best Answer

Fixed point iteration is not always faster than bisection. Both methods generally observe linear convergence. The rates of convergence are $|f'(x)|$ for fixed-point iteration and $1/2$ for bisection, assuming continuously differentiable functions in one dimension.

It's easy to construct examples where fixed-point iteration will converge much slower than bisection (sublinear convergence). For example, the iterations $x_{n+1}=\sin(x_n)$ are well-known to converge very slowly, much slower than using bisection on $f(x)=x-\sin(x)$.

The main advantage of bisection is the fact that it is guaranteed to give linear convergence. The main drawback is also that it is guaranteed to only give linear convergence, whereas other methods can converge faster in some situations.

Bisection is also only applicable in some scenarios (the function must be defined over an ordered domain (e.g. not $\mathbb R^2$) and known to attain two different signs (e.g. not $x^2$)). It also does not give an analytic estimate of the solution, so it's less useful from a theoretical standpoint.

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