First order logic: unification of Skolem constants


My professor asks us to either prove a logical consequence by resolution or disprove it by giving a suitable interpretation.

While doing one of the tasks, I encountered a problem with skolemization. Let's say I want to prove the following consequence by resolution

$$ \exists x Q(x) \models \exists y Q(y) $$

I introduce scolem constants a, b and try to infer the empty clause from this clausal form

$$ { [Q(a)], [\neg Q(b)] } $$

I cannot unify and therefore cannot prove by resolution. According to the task, I then have to disprove through example, but I feel like this logical consequence is always true.

A second side question: if I want to show $ \forall x \exists y P(x,y) \models \exists z P(a,z) $ where a is a constant, I can disprove by choosing $ I=\langle D, \phi \rangle $ with $ D=\emptyset $, right?

Best Answer

You application of Resolution is not correct.

In order to prove that $\Gamma \vDash \varphi$ you have to consider:

all sentences in the knowledge base [the premises in $\Gamma$] and the negation of the sentence to be proved [the conclusion: $\varphi$],

i.e. the set of formulas: $\Gamma \cup \{ \lnot \varphi \}$.

This means that, in order to prove: $∃xQ(x) \vDash ∃yQ(y)$ you have to apply the procedure to:

$∃xQ(x), \lnot ∃yQ(y)$,

i.e. $∃xQ(x), \forall y \lnot Q(y)$.

Regarding the second question, the standard semantics for FOL needs interpretations with non-empty domains.

In addition, you set of formulas has an individual constant $a$; thus, you needs domains with at least one object $a^D \in D$ to be used as interpretation for the symbol $a$.

Added after comments.

The problem to be answered is: $∀x∃yP(x,y),∀x(∃yP(y,x) \to Q(x)) \vDash ∃xQ(x)$.

After initial transformations, we have:

$P(x,f(x)), \lnot P(g(w),w) \lor Q(w), \lnot Q(z)$.

Then, we have to apply Unification with a first substitution: $[w \leftarrow f(x), x \leftarrow g(w)]$ to the first two clauses to get: $Q(f(x))$ by Resolution.

A second substitution: $[z \leftarrow f(x)]$ applied to third clause will produce the empty clause.

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