First Chern class of endomorphism bundle on a $K3$ surface


Let $E$ be a rank $r$ bundle on a $K3$ surface. The formulas of the Chern classes for $E \otimes L$ where $L$ is a line bundle are well known.

Question : Do there exist similar formulas for Chern classes of $E \otimes E^* = \mathcal Hom (E,E)$? In particular, what are $c_1(\mathcal{H}om(E,E))$ and $c_2((\mathcal {H}om(E,E))$?

Can someone give me any reference?

Any help from anyone is welcome.

Best Answer

One reference would be Hirzebruch's Topological Methods in Algebraic Geometry. The way to work it out is with the splitting principle, assuming that $E$ splits as a sum of line bundles, $E=\oplus_{j=1}^r L_j$. If $c_1(L_j)=\delta_j$, then you write $c(E) = \prod_{j=1}^r (1+\delta_j)$. Then $c(E^*) = \prod_{k=1}^r (1-\delta_k)$ and $c(E\otimes E^*) = \prod_{j,k} (1+\delta_j-\delta_k)$.

Now you just have to write things out and count carefully. It might be easier to keep score if you do $c(E\otimes F) = \prod_{j,k} (1+\delta_j+\eta_k)$ and specialize later to $F=E^*$.

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