Finitely generated group has automorphism mapping between two elements of the same order


For a finitely generated group $G$, is it always the case that if two elements $g_1, g_2$ have the same order then there is an automorphism that sends one to the other (i.e. $\phi$ such that $\phi(g_1)=g_2$)?

I can't seem to prove it, but playing around with several groups, abelian or not (to include $D_3$; a cyclic group of prime order and $\mathbb{Z}_4$), I'm unable to refute this.

How could one go about proving this? (assuming indeed it can be proven).

Best Answer

Take $G=S_3\times\mathbb{Z_2}$. It contains an element of order $2$ which is in the center, and an element of order $2$ not in the center. So clearly there is no automorphism which maps one of these elements to the other one.

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