Finite simple group which is maximal closed subgroup of lie group


The icosahedral subgroup of $ G=PSU_2 \cong SO_3(\mathbb{R}) $ is a finite simple group which is also maximal closed in $ G $. Do other Lie groups admit maximal closed subgroups which are also finite and simple?

EDIT: as you can see from the comments below the original question was an attempt to ask something with a similar spirit but ultimately was misguided because I didn't understand Zariski density. The question as it is now is asked in the same spirit, "large" finite simple subgroups of Lie groups, but no longer makes any mention of zariski topology.

Best Answer

Finite subgroups are always contained in the maximal compact subgroup so if $ G $ has a finite maximal closed subgroup then $ G $ must be compact. Also a maximal subgroup always includes the center so if $ G $ has a finite simple subgroup which maximal then $ G $ must have trivial center in addition to being compact. Thus the only groups which have finite maximal closed subgroups are adjoint groups like $ SO(2n+1), PSO(2n),PU(n) $

Note that a finite simple group $ \Gamma $ is a maximal closed subgroup of $ PU_n $ if and only if the central extension $ n.G $ is a unitary $ 2 $ design as a subgroup of $ SU_n $. See Claim 3 of

Some examples of finite simple groups appearing as subgroups of $ PU_n $ are given here


the references in

and here

But when it comes to the maximality of such finite simple subgroups of $ PU_n $ the most useful reference is

which, read correctly, supplies a full classification of maximal closed subgroups of $ PU_d $ that happen to be finite and simple.

The classification consists of a few infinite families of examples of maximal closed subgroups of $ PU_d $ which are finite and simple

$ PU_d $, $ d=\frac{3^k -1}{2} $ and $ d=\frac{3^k +1}{2} $ both have a maximal $ PSp_{2k}(3) $ for $ k \geq 2 $.

$ PU_d $, $ d=\frac{2^k-(-1)^k}{3} $ has a maximal $ PSU_k(2) $ for $ k \geq 4 $

In addition to these, there are a few dimensions $ d $ for which $ PU_d $ has more maximal closed finite simple subgroups than we would expect. These exceptional case are:

$ PU_2 $: $ A_5 $

$ PU_3 $: $ A_6,GL_3(2) $

$ PU_4 $: $ A_7,PSU_4(2) $

$ PU_6 $: $ A_7,PSL_3(4), PSU_4(3) $

$ PU_8 $: $ PSL_3(4) $

$ PU_{10} $: $ M_{11}, M_{12} $

$ PU_{12} $: $ Suz $

$ PU_{14} $: $ ^2 B_2(8) $

$PU_{18} $: $ J_3 $

$PU_{26} $: $ ^3 F_4(2)' $

$PU_{28} $: $ Ru $

$PU_{45} $: $ M_{23},M_{24} $

$PU_{342}$: $ O'N $

$PU_{1333}$: $ J_4 $

All these finite simple maximal closed subgroups of $ PU_n $ lift to finite quasisimple maximal closed subgroups. Some of these quasi simple lifts have simple "section" so to speak and thus correspond to a finite simple maximal closed subgroups of $ SU_n $. Some examples are

$ SU_3 $: $ GL_3(2) $

$ SU_6 $: $ A_7 $

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