Finding unique solutions of a complex equation

complex numbersquadratics

I'm working throug Richard Earl's "Towards Higher Mathematics"
and am stuck on this problem.

For what real numbers $A, B, C$ does the equation
z \bar z + Az + B \bar z = Ci
have a unique solution $z$?

What exactly does it mean for an equation to have a "unique" solution in this context? Would I be correct in assuming I merely substitute (a+bi) and (a-bi) and re-write as a quadratic in a or b and then use the discriminant? In that case would b^2 - 4ac = 0 or b^2 - 4ac > 0?


Best Answer

With $z=x+iy$,


From the imaginary part, $y$ is unique when $$A\ne B.$$


$$x^2+(A+B)x+y^2=0$$ requires $(A+B)^2=4y^2$ or


In other words,

$$A\ne B\land A^2-B^2=\pm2C.$$

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