Finding the surface area of a solid of revolution

areacalculussolid of revolutionsurfaces

I'm given the function


and I need to find the area of the solid of revolution obtained by rotating the function from $y=2$ to $y=4$ about the $x-axis$.

I've tried applying the formula:


where $f(x)=\sqrt{(15x)^{2/3}-10}$ and


but it still isn't the correct answer. Is there any way to do the problem without having to find $f(x)$ but by just working with $f(y)$?

Thanks for the help

Best Answer

You calculated wrongly $f(x)$: the exact value is $$f(x)=\sqrt{(15x)^{3/2}-10}$$ But why not use the formula $$A=2\pi\int_2^4y\sqrt{g'^{\,2}(y)+1}\,\mathrm dy$$ since $x$ is given as a function $g(y)$ ?

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