Finding the roots of a function applied twice


I saw this problem a few days ago and still haven't cracked it.
Therefore, I thought I might ask you all for help.

The graph of $f(x)$ has four roots on the interval $[-5,5]$. How many different roots does $f(f(x))$ have?
Here is a picture of the graph of $f(x)$:

enter image description here

We stumbled across this problem a week ago during math club and we were unable to solve it; our teacher didn't know the answer, either. Any help would thus be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

The roots of $f(x)$ are $$x=-4,-2,2,4$$, according to your graph, so for $f(f(x)) = 0$, we have $$f(x) = -4,-2,2,4$$ because $f(x)$ took the place of $x$. So, we need to examine when $f(x) = -4,-2,2,4$.

From the graph we see that $f(x)$ is never $-4$

From the graph we see that $f(x)=-2$ at $2$ values of $x$.

From the graph we see that $f(x) = 2$ at $4$ values of $x$

From the graph we see that $f(x) = 4$ at $2$ values of $x$

Thus, that makes $8$ values of $x$ total that $f(f(x)) = 0 $, so it has $8$ roots.

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