Finding the residue of $\frac{1}{ \sqrt{z^2+z+1}}$


I've found the singularity points – $z_1=-1/2+ \sqrt{3} i/2$ and $z_2=-1/2- \sqrt{3} i/2$ . Then i need to determine whether it's a removable singularity, a pole, or an essential singularity. Noting that $|\frac{1}{ \sqrt{z^2+z+1}}|$ approaches infinity as z approaches the points of singularity, i determine that $z_1$ and $z_2$ are poles. Then i need to determine the order of the poles. And this is where i have problems. I consider the function $\frac{1}{f(z)}=\sqrt{z^2+z+1}$ and want to find the order of its zeroes, that will be equal to the order of the poles. But it's first derivative $(\frac{1}{f(z)})'=$ $\frac{2z+1}{2\sqrt{(z^2+z+1)}}$ approaches infinity instead of a constant, as z approaches the zeroes. What does that mean?

Best Answer

This means that the points where the function $f(z)$ approach infinity are not poles. In other words there exist no integer $n$ such that the function $(z-z_0)^n f(z_0)$ is holomorphic in the vicinity of $z_0$.