Area – Finding Ratio of Areas in a Cyclic Quadrilateral


In the cyclic quadrilateral $ABCD$, $AB:BC:CD:DA=1:9:9:8$, $AC$ intersects $BD$ at $P$, what is $S_{\triangle PAB}:S_{\triangle PBC}:S_{\triangle PCD}:S_{\triangle PDA}$?


I have no idea how to start this question; how do I get the areas of the triangles when only given side lengths? Please help me out.

Best Answer

Consider $\triangle PAB$ and $\triangle PDC$. These pairs of inscribed angles are equal:

$$\begin{align*} \angle CAB &=\angle BDC\\ \angle ABD &= \angle DCA \end{align*}$$

So $\triangle PAB \sim\triangle PDC$. The ratio of their areas are square of the ratio of their corresponding sides:

$$\frac{S_{\triangle PAB}}{S_{\triangle PDC}} = \left(\frac{AB}{DC}\right)^2 = \frac{1}{81}$$

Similar, for $\triangle PBC$ and $\triangle PAD$, consider these pairs of inscribed angles,

$$\begin{align*} \angle DBC &= \angle CAD\\ \angle BCA &= \angle ADB\\ \triangle PBC &\sim \triangle PAD\\ \frac{S_{\triangle PBC}}{S_{\triangle PAD}} &= \left(\frac{BC}{AD}\right)^2\\ & = \frac{81}{64} \end{align*}$$

Between $\triangle PAB$ and $\triangle PAD$, these inscribed angles are equal because $BC = CD$:

$$\angle CAB = \angle CAD$$

Then the ratio of their areas is

$$\begin{align*} \frac{S_{\triangle PAB}}{S_{\triangle PAD}} &= \frac{\frac12 PA\cdot AB\sin\angle PAB}{\frac12PA\cdot AD\sin PAD}\\ &= \frac{AB}{AD}\\ &= \frac 18\\ \end{align*}$$

$$S_{\triangle PAB}:S_{\triangle PBC}:S_{\triangle PCD}:S_{\triangle PDA} = 8:81:648:64 $$

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