Finding the poles of a certain Zeta function


I'm interested in the following zeta function:

$$\zeta_D(s)=\sum_{(m,n)\in \mathbb N^2} \frac{1}{(m^2+n^2)^s}$$

Where naturally $(m,n)\neq (0,0)$. I'm mainly interested in its poles (so I can perform an integral Mellin transform on it later), and so I'm looking for a way to simplify this expression, or write it in terms of other functions who's poles I know well.

I tried to somehow use the Hurwitz Zeta function, but I didn't get too far with this approach. Another approach I had in mind is using the Poisson summation formula, and identifying the terms in the sum as Fourier coefficients of some sort, but I didn't get too far with this either.

Does anyone have an idea of what I can do in order to find the poles and residues? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

$\sum_{(m,n)\ne (0,0)}(m^2+n^2)^{-s}$ is mermorphic on the whole complex plane with only one simple pole at $s=1$

There are two approaches,

  • one from the unique factorization in prime ideals in the PID $\Bbb{Z}[i]$ which leads to $$\sum_{(m,n)\ne (0,0)}(m^2+n^2)^{-s}=4\zeta(s)L(s,\chi_4)$$

  • and the other from $$\pi^{-s}\Gamma(s)\sum_{(m,n)\ne (0,0)}(m^2+n^2)^{-s}=\int_0^\infty (\theta(x)^2-1) x^{s-1}dx$$ where $\theta(x)=\sum_k e^{-\pi k^2 x}$ which is $=x^{-1/2}\theta(1/x)$ from the Poisson summation formula.

If you only care of the poles on $\Re(s)>1/2$ then the Gauss circle problem is the simplest solution.

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