Finding the number of zeros on a half plane of $z^4+3z^2 + z + 1$


I found this problem in Berkeley problems in Mathematics:

How many roots has the polynomial $z^4+3z^2 + z + 1$ in the right half $z$-plane?

To this point, I have tried using the method prescribed by this answer in which we can compute what parts of the contour contribute to the winding number, but it seems we get less lucky here that the "real part of $p(it)$ along the contour $[-iR, iR]$ has 4 zeros instead of being all positive. I see how this could contribute two to the winding number, but that isn't definitive since we have $$
\Re(f(it)) = \mathcal{O}(z^4) \quad \text{and} \quad \Im(f(it)) = \mathcal{O}(z).

When you think about it, the contour along $Re^{it}, t \in [-\pi/2, \pi/2]$ contributes a winding number of 2, so one should rule out the possibility of the imaginary line contributing anything.

In general, I'm looking for more strategies to Rouche Theorem problems, and any suggestions would help, thanks!

Best Answer

Here is a simple solution that does not use Rouché's theorem. $f(z) = z^4 + 3 z^2+ z + 1$ has real coefficients, so its zeros are either real or come in pairs of complex conjugates. But $f$ has no zeros on the real or imaginary axis: For $x \in \Bbb R$ is $$ f(x) = x^4 + 3 \left( (x + \frac 16)^2 + \frac{11}{36}\right) > 0 $$ and for $y \in \Bbb R$ is $$ f(iy) = (y^4 - 3 y^2 + 1) + iy \ne 0 \, . $$ So the roots of $f$ come in two pairs of complex conjugates $z_1, z_2 = \overline{z_1}, z_3, z_4 = \overline{z_3}$. And from Vieta's formulas we get $$ 0 = z_1 + z_2 + z_3 + z_4 = 2 \bigl(\operatorname{Re}(z_1) + \operatorname{Re}(z_3) \bigr) \, . $$ It follows that two of the zeros have positive real part, and the other two have negative real part.

More precisely, there is exactly one root in each open quadrant.