Finding the minimum volume of a Tetrahedron.


Suppose you have the surface $\xi$ defined in $\mathbb{R}^3$ by the equation:
$$ \xi :\frac{x^2}{a^2} + \frac{y^2}{b^2} + \frac{z^2}{c^2} = 1 $$
For $ x \geq 0$ , $ y \geq 0$ and $ z \geq 0$. Now take any point $P \in \xi$ and consider the tangent plane ($\pi_t)$ to $\xi$ at $P$. Calculate the minimum volume of the region determined by the $xy$, $yz$, $xz$ planes and $\pi_t$.

Ellipsoid and tetrahedron.

Best Answer

Assume for the moment $a=b=c=1$. The surface $\xi$ then is the unit sphere $S^2$. A typical point ${\bf n}$ of $S^2$ in the first octant then has coordinates $(n_1,n_2,n_3)$ with $n_i>0$ and $\sum_i n_i^2=1$. Furthermore the tangent plane to $S^2$ at ${\bf n}$ is given by the equation ${\bf n}\cdot{\bf x}=1$, i.e., $n_1x_1+n_2x_2+n_3x_3=1$. Intersecting this plane with the three coordinate axes gives the points $\bigl({1\over n_1},0,0\bigr)$, $\bigl(0,{1\over n_2},0\bigr)$, $\bigl(0,0,{1\over n_3}\bigr)$. It follows that the simplex $S$ in question has volume $${\rm vol}(S)={1\over 6 n_1n_2n_3}\ .$$ This volume is minimal when its reciprocal is maximal. By the AMG inequality $$\root3\of {n_1^2 n_2^2n_3^2}\leq{1\over3}(n_1^2+n_2^2+n_3^2)={1\over3}\ ,$$ with equality iff $n_i=3^{-1/2}$ for all $i\in[3]$. It follows that $${\rm vol}(S)\geq{1\over6} 3^{3/2}={\sqrt{3}\over2}\ .$$ In the case of arbitrary $a$, $b$, $c>0$ we therefore have $${\rm vol}(S)\geq{\sqrt{3}\over2}abc\ ,$$ by standard geometric principles.