Finding the maximum $k$ such that $(7!)!$ is divisible by $(7!)^{k!}\cdot(6!)!$

divisibilityfactorialproblem solving

If $(7!)!$ is divisible by $(7!)^{k!}\cdot(6!)!$, then what is the maximum value of $k$?

At first glance I couldnt think of anything except Legendre's formula for calculating powers of a prime in a factorial. It would indeed be cumbersome task of calculating all primes that occur in $(6!)!$. So I came up with another possible solution but I don't know if it gives me the maximum value of $k$ or not. Do let me know what you think.

If we see this situation as dividing $7!$ different objects in $6!$ groups and each group having $7$ objects each then the number of ways of making these different groups will be $$\dfrac{(7!)!}{((7!)^{6!})((6!)!)}$$ Now, this will give me $k=6$, and this ensures that quotient is a natural number, too.

Best Answer

You've already shown that $(7!)^{6!}((6!)!)$ divides $(7!)!$. If $(7!)^{7!}((6!)!)$ divides $(7!)!$, then $(7!)^{7!}$ divides $(7!)!$, so $(7!)^{7!}\leq (7!)!$. However, $n^n>n!$ for all $n>1$.

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