Finding the maximum and minimum times to melt 100g of butter.


The time in minutes to melt 100g of butter (t) depends upon the percentage of the butter that is made of saturated fats (p), as shown in the following fuction:$$t=\frac{p^2}{10000}+\frac{p}{100}+2$$ Find the maximum and minimum times to melt 100g of butter.

I started by differentiating to get:$$\frac{dp}{dt}=\frac{p}{5000}+\frac{1}{100}$$ I set this equal to zero to get the stationary point, but got an answer or p=-50, but that doesn’t seem right. Also this would only give one of the answers, so how would I get the other? Many thanks.

Best Answer


$$\text{t = time in minutes}$$ $$\text{100g = amount of butter}$$ $$\text{p = percentage of butter that is made of saturated fats}$$

where two extremes occur when the butter has no saturated fat $(p=0)$ or the butter consists of only saturated fat $(p=100)$. Then, the total amount of time to melt all the butter is given by the function


As $p\ge 0$ by definition, $t(p)$ is a monotonically increasing function. Therefore, the minimum amount of time occurs when the butter contains no saturated fat. We have


so the minimum occurs at $2$ minutes. On the other hand, the maximum occurs when the butter is made of $100\%$ saturated fat. Here


so the maximum amount of time to melt all the butter is $4$ minutes.