Finding the length of a curve of intersection between a parabolic cylinder and a surface.

analytic geometryarc lengthcurvesparametrization

If $A$ is the curve of intersection of the parabolic cylinder $x^2 = 2y$ and the
surface $3z = xy$, then what is the length of $A$ from the origin to the point (6, 18, 36)?

What I have done so far:

I know to parametrise the cylinder to get $x$ and $y$ in terms of $sin$ and $cos$ however I am unsure of how to do this.

Best Answer

$$x^2=2y\implies y=x^2/2$$ $$3z=xy=x^3/2$$ Let $x=t$. Then $A$ from the origin to $(6,18,36)$ is parametrised as $$(t,t^2/2,t^3/6)\qquad t\in[0,6]$$ The arc length is $$\int_0^6\sqrt{1^2+t^2+(t^2/2)^2}\,dt=\frac12\int_0^6\sqrt{t^4+4t^2+4}\,dt$$ $$=\frac12\int_0^6(t^2+2)\,dt=\frac12\left[\frac13t^3+2t\right]_0^6=42$$

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