Finding the Kernel of a specific group homomorphism


Let $G$ be a group. Say that map $σ_g = gxg^\mathrm{-1}$.

We know that $σ_g \in Aut(G)$ by the nature of a bijective homomorphism. (I can provide the proof for this if people desire.)

I have already proven that the map $ϕ: G → Aut(G)$ defined by $ϕ(g) = σ_g$ is a group homomorphism.

I'm trying to figure out what the kernel of $ϕ$ is. I think if it's trivial, then $ϕ$ will be injective, based on other questions on here.

I know that the kernel is the set of $g \in G$ such that $ϕ$ sends g to the identity map. Not sure how to apply this.

Best Answer

Suppose $g\in\ker\phi$. Then $\phi(g)=\sigma_e$, the identity map. Therefore, we have

\begin{align*} \sigma_g=\sigma_e&\iff gxg^{-1}=x&\forall x\in G\\ &\iff gx=xg&\forall x\in G\\ &\iff g\in Z(G), \end{align*}

where $Z(G)$ is the center of $G$, i.e., the group of all elements of $G$ that commute with every element of $G$. Indeed, if $Z(G)=\{e\}$ (although it need not be), then $\ker\phi$ is trivial, and $\phi$ is injective. An example of the center being non-trivial would be any abelian group, since if $G$ is an abelian group, then we have that $Z(G)=G$.

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