Finding the interior, boundary, closure and set of limit points


Well, if we have a set $A = \{n + \frac{1}{k}, k,n \in \mathbb{N}\}$ and the task is to find boundary, closure, interior and set of limit points of it in given space:

  1. $\mathbb{R}$ with euclidean metric
  2. $\mathbb{R}$ with discrete metric

Starting off with the first one, is the following correct:

  • the set of limit points $A'$ is basically every $n \in \mathbb{N}$, since each of them has a sequence $\frac{1}{k}$ converging to it

  • every point in the interior has to be there with some open ball – but for arbitrary $\epsilon$ only $z \in \mathbb{N}$ have open balls with them, so the int $A$ is the same as the set of limit points

  • the closure $\overline{A}$ = int $A$

  • the boundary is $\emptyset$

Is that a proper solution? How does that change when the metric is discrete?

Best Answer

Every convergent sequence of elements of $A$ converges to an element of $A$ or to a natural number. Therefore, $\overline A=A\cup\mathbb N$. And $\mathring A=\emptyset$, since $A$ contains no interval. So, $\partial A=\overline A\setminus\mathring A=A\cup\mathbb N$. Finally, yes, the set of limit points of $A$ is $\mathbb N$.

Things are simpler with respect to the discrete metric, since then every set is both closed an open. So, $\overline A=\mathring A=A$. In particular, $\delta A=\emptyset$. And in a discrete metric space, the set of limit points of any subset is empty.