Finding the fourth side given other three and diagonals.


Say I had a quadrilateral and was given sides of length $a,b,c$ and diagonals $d,e.$ How can I find the fourth side?

Let the fourth side be $x$.

I though of using Ptolemy's first of all to get
$$ac + cx \ge de.$$
We can solve for $x$ to get
$$\frac{de-ac}{c} \le x.$$

But, that doesn't really help much, other than giving a bound. I can't really think of another good way to do this. I also thought of using the Law of Cosines somehow. Can someone help?

Best Answer

Here is one way to approach it.

enter image description here

Say we know $a, b, c, d, e$ and we need to find $x$.

Apply law of cosine in $\triangle BAD$ to find $\angle A$.

Then apply law of cosine in $\triangle CAD$ to find $\angle CAD$.

Now you know $\theta$. Apply law of cosine in $\triangle BAC$ to find $x$.