Finding the extreme value of a function


Let f(x) be a continuous function such that $f’(x) = (12x – 48)/[3(x – 4)^2 + 1]$ for all real numbers x.

(a) If f(x) attains its minimum value at x = k, find k.

(b) It is given that the extreme value of f(x) = 5. Find f(x) and lim f(x) when x tends to infinity.

From f’(x) = 0, we get x = 4. Using the 1st derivative test, we find the f(x) attains its minimum at x = 4 = k.

To find f(x), we integrate f’(x) and get $f(x) = -2/[3(x – 4)^2 + 1] + C$.

To find C, the answer says “since f(x) has only one extreme value, we have f(4) = 5.”

Then, C = … = 7

When x tends to infinity, lim f(x) = … = 7

My question is (1) how do we know that there is only one extreme value? (2) Why 7 thus found (or the right endpoint) is not an extreme value?

Best Answer

Easiest to make change of variable:

$y = (x-4) \implies \frac{dy}{dx} = 1.$

$$f'(y) = \frac{12y}{3y^2 + 1}.$$

It is immediate that at $y = 0, f'(y) = 0$ and $f''(y) > 0.$

This verifies that $f(y)$ has a minimum at $y = 0$.

Further, it is straight forward that

$$f(y) = \int f'(y)dy = \int \frac{12y}{3y^2 + 1} = 2 \log (3y^2 + 1) + C.$$

This means that when $y = 0, 5 = f(y) = C.$

Thus, $f(y) = 2 \log (3y^2 + 1) + 5.$
This immediately allows the conclusion that $f(y)$ has no extreme value
for any finite value of $y$, except at $y = 0$.

Alternatively, you can reason that $f'(y) = 0$
when and only when $y = 0$.


The following analysis resulted from back and forth comments with Mick, following this answer. I think that this analysis deserves to be included in the answer.

$f(y)$ is continuous throughout $\mathbb{R}.$
$f''(y)$ and $f'(y)$ are both well defined throughout $\mathbb{R}.$
$f''(0) > 0, f'(0) = 0,$ and $\forall y\neq 0, f'(y) \neq 0.$
Therefore, $\forall y < 0, f'(y) < 0.$
Similarly, $\forall y > 0, f'(y) > 0.$
Therefore $f(y)$ must be strictly increasing on $(0,\infty)$
and $f(y)$ must be strictly decreasing on $(-\infty, 0).$
Therefore $y$ has a global minimum at $y = 0.$

As $y \to \infty, \log(3y^2 + 1) \to \infty.$

Therefore, as $y \to \infty ~f$ is unbounded.

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