Finding the equation of a straight line joining the origin and the point of intersection of two straight lines

coordinate systemsdivisibilitygeometry


Find the equation of the straight line joining the origin and the point of intersection of the straight lines $\frac{x}{a}+\frac{y}{b}=1…(i)$ & $\frac{x}{b}+\frac{y}{a}=1…(ii)$ (Answer: $x-y=0$)

My attempt:

Rewriting (i) and (ii) as (iii) and (iv) in slope-intercept form respectively:-



Now, from (iii) and (iv),


$$\implies x(\frac{a}{b}-\frac{b}{a})=a-b$$

$$\implies x=\frac{ab(a-b)}{a^2-b^2}…(v)$$

Rewriting (i) & (ii) as (vi) & (vii) respectively,



Now, from (vi) & (vii),


$$\implies y(\frac{b}{a}-\frac{a}{b})=b-a$$

$$\implies y=\frac{ab(b-a)}{b^2-a^2}…(viii)$$

$$\implies y=\frac{ab(a-b)}{a^2-b^2}…(viii)$$

Now, the straight line formed by $(0,0)$ & $(\frac{ab(a-b)}{a^2-b^2}, \frac{ab(a-b)}{a^2-b^2}$ if $(x,y)$ is a point on that line,


$$\implies x=y$$

$$\implies x-y=0$$

So, I was able to get at the correct answer, but is my process valid? In (v) & (viii), for example, I divided by $(a^2-b^2)$, and I assumed that $a^2-b^2\neq0$. Was this assumption of mine correct? Is there an alternative way to do this problem that is quicker to do and that doesn't include dividing by ($a^2-b^2$)?

Best Answer

Yes you work is correct but it will be good to state in the beginning that the lines intersect only if $a \ne b$. For $a = b$, both equations in fact represent the same line.

You can also simplify your work a bit. Say, the intersection point is $(x_1, y_1)$. Then you have,


From $(i)$ and $(ii)$, $\frac{x_1}{a}+\frac{y_1}{b} = \frac{x_1}{b}+\frac{y_1}{a}$

$x_1 (\frac{1}{a} - \frac{1}{b}) = y_1 (\frac{1}{a} - \frac{1}{b})$

If $a \ne b$, you have $~ y_1 = x_1$

So the equation of line passing through the origin and intersection of the given lines is,

$(y-0) = \frac{y_1 - 0}{x_1 - 0} ~ (x-0) ~ $ or $ ~ y = x$