Finding the eigenvalues of $\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ b & a \end{pmatrix}$ matrix without the determinant

linear algebra

So we're reading Axler's Linear Algebra in class and haven't been taught the determinant. But we're asked to find the eigenvalues of

$$\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ b & a \end{pmatrix}$$

How can I go about doing this? I tried finding something that would satisfy

$$\begin{pmatrix} a – \lambda & b \\ b & a-\lambda \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} x \\ y\end{pmatrix} = 0$$ but all I get is $$y= \cfrac{\lambda – a}{b} x = \cfrac{b}{\lambda – a}x$$

I'm not sure what to do with this. Setting $y$ to either of those equalities doesn't give a matrix product of $0$. Obviously I see that if set $y$ to the first equality then I get a matrix product whose first (but not second) row is zero, and similarly if I set $y$ to the second equality. But what does this mean?

Best Answer


You are so close: simplifying by $x$,

$$\frac{\lambda -a}b=\frac b{\lambda -a}$$ can be solved for $\lambda$.

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