Finding the discriminant of a quadratic equation from the given information on the roots of a quadratic equation

discriminantgeometric seriesquadratics

I recently came accross an old question that I solved during my school days. Which is

If $\alpha, \beta$ are two real roots of a quadratic equation $ ax^2+bx+c=0 $ and $\alpha+\beta, \alpha^2+\beta^2, \alpha^3+\beta^3$ are in GP,
then which of the following is correct?

a) $\Delta\neq0$

b) $b\Delta=0$

c) $c\Delta=0$

d) $\Delta=0$

After seeing the question, I immediately realised that $\alpha+\beta=\frac{-b}{a}$ and $\alpha\beta=\frac{c}{a}$.

And since $\alpha+\beta, \alpha^2+\beta^2, \alpha^3+\beta^3$ are in GP, I got the following equation, I wrote them as $(\alpha^2+\beta^2)^2=(\alpha+\beta)(\alpha^3+\beta^3)$ -> call eqn $i$.

I rewrote the above equation as

I combined the above two and simplified further which resulted in $ac(b^2-4ac)=0$. And since $a$ can not be zero and $\Delta=b^2-4ac$, I concluded that $c\Delta=0$ and option c is correct.

However I later realised that eqn $i$ can expanded as follows,


Which will ultimately result in saying that $(\alpha-\beta)^2=0$ and therefore $\alpha=\beta$. If the roots are equal, the discriminant ($\Delta$) has to be zero which means option d is more correct. But most online websites only marked option c as the correct answer.

So which one is the correct answer really? Are they both correct? Or Am I missing something here?

Best Answer






Now this is where you got problem . You cannot cancel $\alpha\beta$ from both sides as we are not sure that they will be non-zero.

Continuing further


using the fact that $\alpha\beta=\frac{c}{a}$ and $|\alpha-\beta|=\frac{\sqrt{\Delta}}{|a|}$

therefore , now since we are sure that $a\neq 0$ we can cancel $a^3$ from both sides

$c.\Delta=0$ which is same as you got.

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