Finding solution without solving differential equation

ordinary differential equationsphysics

I was trying to solve a physics problem and the equation I came up with was: $$F-2kx(t)=mx''(t)$$
It is given that $x(0)=0$ and $x'(0)=0$, and my target is to find the extrema values of $x(t)$

Solving the differential equation:
Putting in the given conditions, $c_2=0$ and $c_1=-\frac{F}{2k}$ , so:
Finding the extrema values:$$x_{min}=0$$$$x_{max}=\frac{F}{k}$$
Now my question is:

Is it possible to find the extrema values of $x(t)$ using only the given differential equation and the 2 conditions, but without actually solving the differential equation?

The actual question that I simplified down to come up with the equation:
irodov, 1.152

I used the relative acceleration of the right block with respect to the left one to create the equation.

Best Answer


$$ F-2kx=m\ddot x\Rightarrow F \dot x-2kx\dot x=m\dot x\ddot x\Rightarrow F x-k x^2 + C = \frac m2 \dot x^2 $$

now from the initial conditions we have $C = 0$ then

$$ \frac m2\dot x^2+k x^2-Fx=0 $$

The potential energy associated to the elongation, is maximum when the kinetic fraction is null so the extrema are the solutions for

$$ k x^2-Fx = 0 $$

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