Finding real coefficients of polynomial with complex roots

algebra-precalculuscomplex numberspolynomials

I have been tasked with finding the just real coefficients of a polynomial with the roots:




Writing the polynomial as factors…


..obviously does not work since this results in complex coefficients.

Can anyone help me out here?

Best Answer

There is not enough information, say the degree of a given polynomial.

Anyway, since it has (only) real coeficients if $a+bi$ is one root, then $a-bi$ is also a root of the polynomial.

So this polynomial is divisible with:

$$q(z)=(z-10)\color{red}{(z-3+i)(z-3-i)}\color{blue}{(z+8-2i)(z+8+2i)} $$ $$= (z-10)(z^2-6z+10)(z^2+16z+68)$$