Finding prime factors of $2^{300} – 1$

elementary-number-theoryprime factorization

My initial approach to this problem was to use Fermat's Little Theorem:

We seek primes $p$ such that $2^{300} \equiv 1 \pmod{p}$.
By Fermat's Little Theorem, if $a^{p-1} = 2^{300}$ for some prime $p$ and $a \in \mathbb{Z}$ such that $p \nmid a$, then $p$ is a prime factor of $2^{300} – 1$.

Instinctively, I set $a=2$. Now, if $p-1\,|\,300$ and $p \nmid a$, then $p$ is a factor. Using this method, I listed all the factors of 300, and found that the following primes divide $2^{300} – 1$:

p = 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 31, 61, 101, 151.

However, when I checked for other primes using Wolfram Alpha, I found that $p = 41$ also a factor. Obviously, my method wouldn't work since $40 \nmid 300$. Is there some other method (besides guess and check) which would reveal these extra prime factors?

Best Answer

Yes. We know that $$2^n-1 \big| 2^m-1$$ whenever $n|m$. In particular, because $20|300$, $2^{20}-1$ divides $2^{300}-1$, and any prime that divides $2^{20}-1$ will thus also divide $2^{300}-1$.

Now, we have $41$ divides $2^{20}-1$. Can you show this?

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