Finding norm of orthonormal basis


enter image description hereI'm sorry i'm new here. I uploaded a pictures in order to make things simpler.

I have three linearly independent vectors:

v1= (1,1,0,0) v2=(1,-1,0,0) and v4=(0,2,0,0).

As you may see from the picture, the result for u3 is equal to the vector (0,0,1,0).

It says that since the norm of u3 is 1, which i found by square rooting the entries in this matrix, then the set {u1, u2, u3} is an orthonormal
basis of Span(v1, v2, v4).

I do not understand this statement.

Can somebody please explain why this is so? I do not understand the relation between this result, 1, and how it implies that {u1, u2, u3} is an orthonormal basis.

Thanks for the help, and sorry again for uploading the pic.enter image description here

(please give me a quite simple explanation . I have a form dyscalculia and it takes me a while to understand these processes.

Best Answer

Asserting that $(u_1,u_2,u_3)$ is an orthonormal basis of that space consists in checking several things:

  • each $u_k$ has norm $1$;
  • each two distinct vectors are orthogonal.

Whover wrote this is not claming that just because $\lVert u_3\rVert=1$, then $(u_1,u_2,u_3)$ is an orthonormal basis. That was just the last thing that had to be checked.

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