Finding length of line that intersects trapezoid diagonals.


In trapezoid $ABCD,$ base $\overline{AB}$ has length 6, and base $\overline{CD}$ has length 18. A line passes through the intersection of the diagonals, parallel to the bases. This line intersects $\overline{AD}$ and $\overline{BC}$ at $X$ and $Y,$ respectively. Find $XY.$

Trapezoid picture

I thought to try and get the value of XY I could maybe make a proportion using the median. I don't really understand how I'd go about incorporating the diagonal lengths to find the length of a line that intersects through their intersection point.

Best Answer

Let AC and BD cross at O. Then, the similar triangles lead to $\frac{XO}{AB}= \frac{XD}{DA},\> \frac{XO}{DC}= \frac{XA}{AD}$. Add up the two ratios to get

$$\frac{XO}{AB}+ \frac{XO}{DC}=1 $$ which yields $XO = \frac{AB\cdot DC}{AB+DC}=\frac92$. Likewise, $YO= \frac92$. Thus, $XY = XO +YO =9$.