Finding $\int_{0}^\infty f(u)du$ where $f$ solves $\frac{\pi}{2}f(u) = \frac{1}{1+u^2} – \int_{0}^\infty \frac{f(v) dv}{4+(u-v)^2}$

approximationdefinite integralsintegrationsequences-and-series

I'm looking for $I=\int_{0}^\infty f(u)du$ where $f$ is the solution to the integral equation
$$\frac{\pi}{2}f(u) = \frac{1}{1+u^2} – \int_{0}^\infty \frac{f(v) dv}{4+(u-v)^2}$$ for $u$ between $0$ and $\infty$.

While knowing $f(u)$ exactly would be nice, I'd be quite happy with just $I=\int_{0}^\infty f(u)du$ or an approximation to $I$! My goal would be an approximation within $1$%.

I have two attempts below – one with an ansatz for $f(u)$ and the other a perturbative series for $I$. I'm hopeful that either direction will be fruitful.

Here's a sketch of my attempt that roughly estimates $I \approx .6$.

First, note that a problem with different bounds and with $u$ between $\infty$ and $\infty$,
$$\frac{\pi}{2}g(u) = \frac{1}{1+u^2} – \int_{\color{red}{-\infty}}^\infty \frac{g(v) dv}{4+(u-v)^2}$$
can be solved via Fourier transform to find $g(u) = \frac{1}{e^{\frac{\pi}{2}u}+e^{-\frac{\pi}{2}u}}$ and $\int_{0}^\infty g(u) du = \frac{1}{2}$.

I anticipate that $I$ for the problem of interest will be a little more than $.5$, given that it appears we're subtracting less from the right hand side when we use smaller bounds.

Consider the ansatz $$f(u) = \frac{c_1}{e^{\frac{c_2 \pi}{2}u}+e^{-\frac{c_2\pi}{2}u}}$$ Changing the parameters $c_1$ and $c_2$ by hand, I find with numerical integration that $c_1=1.11$ and $c_2=.93$ make the left hand side and right hand side of
$$\frac{\pi}{2}f(u) = \frac{1}{1+u^2} – \int_{0}^\infty \frac{f(v) dv}{4+(u-v)^2}$$
nearly equal as a function of $u$. I anticipate this ansatz won't include the exact solution, but it gives what I think is a reasonable estimate for $I$ of about $.6$.

Here is another attempt. Note that these linear problems can in principle be solved through perturbative solutions;
$$f(u) = h(u)+\lambda \int_0^\infty K(u,v) f(v)$$
is solved by
$$f(u) = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \lambda^n \int_0^\infty du_2 … \int_0^\infty du_{n+1} K(u, u_2)…K(u_n, u_{n+1}) h(u_{n+1})$$
so $$I = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \lambda^n \int_0^\infty du_1 \int_0^\infty du_2 … \int_0^\infty du_{n+1} K(u_1, u_2)…K(u_n, u_{n+1}) h(u_{n+1}).$$

That is, we have
$$I = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \left(-\frac{2}{\pi}\right)^n \frac{2}{\pi} \int_0^\infty du_1 … \int_0^\infty du_{n+1} \frac{1}{4+(u_1-u_2)^2}…\frac{1}{4+(u_n-u_{n+1})^2}\frac{1}{1+u_{n+1}^2}$$

The first few partial sums are $1, 0.318, 0.866$. Assuming the terms are decreasing in the series, the alternating sum is then bounded between $0.318<I<0.866$. This is consistent with $I\approx.6$, but the bounds are quite large, and the integrals rapidly become both analytically and computationally challenging to evaluate.

Best Answer

This question would be better suited for MO, IMHO.

Here is a quick and dirty way to do it at the engineering level of rigor. There are two questions here: one is how to compute the integral with decent precision and another one is how to justify that we are not talking nonsense from the very beginning (It is obvious that $f\in L^2$ but there seems to be no easy way to show that it is in $L^1$).

Let's write the equation as $f+Tf=\varphi$ where $(Tf)(u)=\int_0^\infty K(u-v)f(v)\,dv$, $K(t)=\frac 2\pi\frac 1{4+t^2}$ (so $\int_\mathbb R K=1$), and $\varphi(t)=\frac 2\pi \frac 1{1+t^2}$.

The first observation is that $T$ is self-adjoint ($K$ is even) positive definite $\widehat K>0$ operator of norm $\le 1$ ($\|K\|_{L^1}=1$) in $L^2=L^2(0,+\infty)$. Thus its spectrum lies on $[0,1]$, so $I+T$ is, indeed, invertible, and $\|(I+T)^{-1}\|_{L^2\to L^2}\le 1$.

We shall now solve the auxiliary equation $g+Tg=1$. That seems to make little sense from the $L^2$ point of view, but if we write $g=\frac 12+h$, then it is equivalent to $h+Th=\frac 12(1-T1)=\psi$ and $\psi$ is now in $L^2$ (it is $\psi(u)=\frac 12\int_u^{\infty}K(v)\,dv$, so it decays like $1/u$ at infinity.

Thus, we can write $$ \langle f,1\rangle=\langle f, g+Tg\rangle= \langle f+Tf,g \rangle=\langle \varphi, g\rangle \\ = \frac 12\langle\varphi,1\rangle+\langle \varphi,h\rangle =\frac 12+\langle \varphi,h\rangle $$ and since $\varphi\in L^2$, it suffices to know $h$ with high precision in $L^2$ to find $\langle f, 1\rangle$ with high precision regardless of how large $\|f\|_{L^1}$ is as long as it is finite.

Now we are just solving $(I+T)h=\psi$. We want to approximate $(I+T)^{-1}$ by a polynomial $P(T)$ of low degree. The $L^2\to L^2$ norm of the difference will be just $E(P)=\max_{t\in[0,1]}\left|P(t)-\frac 1{1+t}\right|$. What you tried to do was to take $P(t)=1-t+t^2-\dots\pm t^n$ which makes as much sense as trying to compute $\pi$ directly from the Leibniz formula with the alternating harmonic series. You can play a bit yourself with finding the best polynomial approximation, but just using the interpolation polynomial of degree $4$ with Chebyshev nodes gives you the trivial guaranteed bound of $\frac 1{256}$. Thus, using that approximation, you'll be off by at most $\frac 1{256}\|\psi\|_{L^2}\|\varphi\|_{L^2}$.

Since $\|\varphi\|_{L^2}=\frac 2\pi\sqrt{\frac\pi 4}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}$ and $$ \psi(u)=\frac 1\pi\int_u^\infty\frac{dv}{4+v^2}\le\frac 1\pi\int_u^{\infty}\frac{2\,dv}{(2+v)^2}=\frac 2\pi\frac{1}{2+u}\, $$ we get $\|\psi\|_{L^2}^2\le \frac 2{\pi^2}$, so $\|\psi\|_{L^2}\|\varphi\|_{L^2}\le \sqrt{\frac 2{\pi^3}}$ yielding the garanteed upper bound for the error of $0.001$ plus all the errors you accumulate when computing $T$ and $T^2$ of various functions numerically (there is no real need to try to compute $T^4$ because $\langle T^4 \alpha, \beta\rangle=\langle T^2\alpha, T^2\beta\rangle$.

Now comes the second issue: the functions involved are all decaying slowly, so to find a decent numeric integration scheme is not so simple. I hope Farina's book has something useful to say about that, but if not, then we'll have to discuss this point too, though at the moment I do not have any much brighter idea than using Simpson on a reasonably fine lattice stretching far enough. I'll try some numerics to see what makes sense and what doesn't but it will take some time :-)

Hope this helps a bit.

Edit Here is the missing piece: the proof that the integral, indeed, exists. We shall show that $I+T$ is invertible in $L^2$ with the weight $\alpha(u)=\beta(u)^2$ where $\beta(u)=1+cu^p$ with any $\frac 12<p< 1$ and sufficiently small positive $c<c(p)$. To this end, we just need to show that the self-adjoint part $S$ of $T$ in that space satisfies $\delta I+S\ge 0$ with some $\delta<1$. It is equivalent to showing that the self-adjoint operator $$ Sf(u)=\int_0^\infty \widetilde K(u,v)f(v)\,dv $$ with $$ \widetilde K(u,v)=\frac 12\left[\frac{\beta(u)}{\beta(v)} \frac{\beta(v)}{\beta(u)}\right] K(u,v) $$ is almost positive definite in the usual non-weighted $L^2$. We shall just compare it with $K$ and write the difference as the integral operator with the kernel $$ \widetilde K(u,v)=\frac 12\left[\frac{\beta(u)}{\beta(v)}- \frac{\beta(v)^2}{\beta(u)^2}\right]^2 K(u,v) $$ All we want is to estimate the norm of this operator by a small constant when $c$ is small. Invoking the Schur test with the function $\psi(u)=\frac{1}{\beta(u)}$, we see that it suffices to show that $$ \frac 12\int_0^{\infty} \frac{\beta(u)}{\beta(v)}\frac 12\left[\frac{\beta(u)}{\beta(v)}+ \frac{\beta(v)}{\beta(u)}-2\right] K(u,v)\,dv $$ is small uniformly in $u>0$.

Note that $\frac 12(Z+Z^{-1}-2)\le\max(Z,Z^{-1})-1$, so we need just to estimate $$ I_1=\int_u^{\infty} \frac{\beta(u)}{\beta(v)}\frac 12\left[ \frac{\beta(v)}{\beta(u)}-1\right] K(u,v)\,dv $$ and $$ I_2=\int_0^{u} \frac{\beta(u)}{\beta(v)}\frac 12\left[ \frac{\beta(u)}{\beta(v)}-1\right] K(u,v)\,dv\,. $$

The estimate of $I_1$ is easy: just note that $\frac{\beta(x)}{\beta(x+y)}$ is an increasing function of $x$ for fixed $y>0$, so $$ I_1\le\int_u^\infty\left(1-\frac{\beta(0)}{\beta(v-u)}\right)K(u,v)\,dv =\frac 2\pi\int_0^\infty\left(1-\frac 1{1+ct^p}\right)\frac{1}{4+t^2}\,dt $$ and the dominated convergence theorem implies that this bound tends to $0$ as $c\to 0$.

$I_2$ is trickier. We'll split it further into $I_2'+I_2''=\int_0^{u/2}+\int_{u/2}^u$.

For $I_2''$, we have $\frac{\beta(u)}{\beta(v)}\le 2^p$, so $$ I_2'\le 4^p\int_{u/2}^u\left(1-\frac{\beta(v)}{\beta(u)}\right)K(u,v)\,dv\le 4^p\int_{u/2}^u\left(1-\frac{\beta(0)}{\beta(u-v)}\right)K(u,v)\,dv $$ and we finish just as for $I_1$.

For $I_2'$, we have $K(u,v)\le \frac 1{4+\frac{u^2}4}$. Now we first notice that $\beta(u)/\beta(v)$ is increasing with $c$. However, for $c=1$, we have $$ I_2'\le\frac{(1+u^p)^2}{{4+\frac{u^2}4}}\int_0^\infty \frac{dv}{(1+v^p)^2} $$ and since the integral converges and $2p<2$, we conclude that $I_2'$ is small for sufficiently large $u>u_0$ where $u_0$ does not depend on $c$. But for $0<v<u<u_0$ the integrand tends to $0$ uniformly as $c\to 0$, so we are done.

The challenge now becomes to figure out if $f$ is, indeed, non-negative.

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