Finding $ \frac{d^n}{dx^n} f_1(x)$ from $\frac{d}{dx} f_{k-1}(x)=f_k(x)-f_{k-1}(x) f_1(x)$


Suppose the following recursive equation holds:
\frac{d}{dx} f_{k-1}(x)=f_k(x)-f_{k-1}(x) f_1(x)

where $f_0=1$.

Question: Can we use this recursion to find
f^{(n)}_1= \frac{d^n}{dx^n} f_1(x)=\,?

I have used it to find the first four derivatives (hopefully correct), but I couldn't find the pattern.


This question is related to something that I asked here.

Best Answer

I get:





$$f_1^{(5)}(x)=-120f_1^6(x)+360f_1^4(x)f_2(x)-120f_1^3(x)f_3(x)-270f_1^2(x)f_2^2(x)+30f_1^2(x)f_4(x)+120f_1(x)f_2(x)f_3(x)+30f_2^3 (x)-6f_1(x)f_5(x)-15f_2(x)f_4(x)-10f_3^2(x)+f_6(x)$$


Could you please correct and edit this in your question?

Clearly we could laborious try to derive a pattern first. But let's look first at The Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS).

We get the integer sequence OEIS: A263634:


$\ $

Now you can start proving this result.

To prove the result, you could use e.g. the answers at Simplify recurrence $\frac{d}{dx} f_{n-1}(x)= f_n(x)- f_{n-1}(x) f_1(x)$ :

Prove that the result are the logarithmic polynomials above. See Comtet, L.: Advanced Combinatorics. Reidel, 1974. p. 140: 3.5. Logarithmic and Potential Polynomials