Trigonometry – Finding cot(a+b) Given Specific Tangent Equations

algebra-precalculussystems of equationstrigonometry

A "Brain Teaser" with Trigonometry:

\tan^3 (\alpha) +2\tan^3 (\beta)&=\phantom{0}6 \\
\tan^4 (\alpha) +2\tan^4 (\beta)&=18 \\
\tan^5 (\alpha) +2\tan^5 (\beta)&=30 \\
\tan^6 (\alpha) +2\tan^6 (\beta)&=66

Then find $\cot(\alpha+\beta)$.

Answer is $3$.

I have tried to form terms of $\tan(\alpha+\beta)$ by multiplying 1st term with $\tan(\alpha) +\tan(\beta)$
and again 1st term with $\tan^2(\alpha) +\tan^2(\beta)$ to get relationship with different terms hoping to extract $\tan(\alpha) \tan(\beta)$ and cancel out terms but no use.

Any suggestions???

Best Answer

Something of a trick here. If you render $6=8-2,18=16+2,30=32-2,66=64+2$ you discover that the equations are satisfied by rendering $\tan\alpha=2,\tan\beta=-1$.

Then apply the identity


and proceed from there.

There is also a way to extract $\tan\alpha$ and $\tan\beta$ without "inspection". Let these parameters be $a$ and $b$ respectively and consider first the two equations



From the first equation render $a^3=6-2b^3$, thus substitute $(6-2b^3)^2$ for $a^6$ into the second equation. This leads to


which can be solved as a quadratic equation for $b^3$. Thus $b^3\in\{-1,5\}$ and $a^3=6-2b^3$, from which we then obtain the two candidate solutions

$a=\tan\alpha=2, b=\tan\beta=-1$

$a=\tan\alpha=-\sqrt[3]4, b=\tan\beta=\sqrt[3]5$

The second candidate, with its cube-root surds, cannot give the required whole number sums for $a^4+2b^4$ and $a^5+2b^5$, so only the first one checks with all four equations. We then proceed with the tangent formula as above.