Finding Co-Differential from Differential in Homology


I am trying to use Algebra; Linear and otherwise to find the co-differential ,i.e., the differential

operator d in a Cohomology Theory starting with homology. For now, I just wanted to start with a

specific example I am familiar with, that of Simplicial Homology, where the differential is given

by the restriction map from an $n$-simplex S_n to all the $(n-1)-$ simplices $\{S_{n-1}\}$ incident

with $S_n$

I have some ideas, but I am far from a solution.

I know the p-th Homology group $H^{p}(M; R)$ ; M is a Topological space and $R$ is a coeficient

ring is given ( up to isomorphism) by (edit *) $$ H^P(M;R)=Hom(C_p(M;R), R)$$ , where $H_p$ is the p-th Homology group.

I am trying to make use of the dual map in linear algebra. Given (finite-dimensional, I believe)

vector spaces V,W over the same field, and a linear map L: $V \rightarrow W$ , there is a contravariant functorial

dual map between the associated duals $V^{*}, W^{*}$ given by sending $w^{*} \in W^{*}$ to $$w*L(v)$$
trying to use this dual map to define the co-differential in Simplicial Cohomology, starting

with the differential d betwen chain groups $C_n$ , given by:

restricting : an n-chain $a*c_n$ is sent to the formal sum $a*ci_{n-1}$ , where $c_{n-1}$ is

incident with $c_n$. The dual differential, aka , the co-differential would then map

from $C_{n-1}\rightarrow C_n$ through means I don't have clear. Clearly I am kind of rambling here

and would appreciate hints. Thank you.

*Subbed $C_p$ for $H_p$

Best Answer

Couple of things first

$H^p(M;R) \cong \text{Hom} (H_p(M;R),R)$

is not necessarily true, see the Universal Coefficients Theorem. Perhaps you meant to replace $H$ with $C$?

As for the intuition for $\delta$ (the co-differential as you call it), linear algebra will work, but let's think about it a little clearly.

Given $L:V \to W$, you're right that you get the dual map $L^*:W^* \to V^*$ given by $L^*(w^*) (v) = w^*(L(v))$. Essentially, you "precompose" with $L$ to give you something that an element $w^*$ can act on. The same idea works with the cochain groups.

If you have a chain complex $\rightarrow C_n \rightarrow C_{n-1} \rightarrow$, and $\partial$ is the differential (boundary operator), then note that dualizing gives you $\rightarrow C^{n-1} \to C^n \to$ where $C^\circ = \text{Hom}(C_\circ, R)$. Now note that we can define $\delta$ the same way, as $\delta(c^{n-1})(c_n)= c^{n-1}(\partial(c_n))$

In other words, we use the boundary operator to push an $n$-cycle to an $(n-1)$-cycle, and then you can use the $(n-1)$ cocycle. So you "precompose" with the boundary.

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