Finding circle in 3D space from two points and a tangent from one of the points

3dcirclesgeometrylinear algebra

(Essentially this question, but in 3 dimensions.)

In 3D space, points $a$ and $b$ are known. In addition, a unit vector $\hat{t}$ is known. Assume $b-a$ and $\hat{t}$ are not parallel.

The goal: determine the center point of a circle which passes through both $a$ and $b$ and is tangent to $\hat{t}$ at point $a$.

(The circle will then lie on the plane spanned by $b-a$ and $\hat{t}$.)

My attempt:

Let $c$ be the center of the circle (the goal).

Get a vector in the direction of the normal of the plane $n$:


Find three equations that can be used to solve for $[c_x, c_y, c_z]$.

First, using the fact that $(a-c)$ and $\hat{t}$ must be perpendicular, $(a-c)\cdot\hat{t}=0$, or

$t\cdot c = t \cdot a \tag{1}$

Second, $(b-c)$ must be perpendicular to $n$:

$n \cdot c = n \cdot b \tag{2}$

Third, $c$ must lie on the perpendicular bisecting plane of $a$ and $b$:

$(b-a)\cdot c = (\frac{b-a}{2})\cdot (b-a) \tag{3}$

This gives the equation

t_x & t_y & t_z \\
n_x & n_y & n_z \\
b_x-a_x & b_y-a_y & b_z-a_z
c_x \\
c_y \\
t \cdot a \\
n \cdot b \\
(\frac{b-a}{2})\cdot (b-a)

However, solving that (by plugging in $a$, $b$, and $\hat{t}$ and doing it on a computer) is giving me wildly off results. $c$ is in the correct plane, but that's about it.

Best Answer

With $p = (x,y,z)$ the circle's center is defined by the intersection of the following three planes

$$ \cases{ \Pi_1\to (p-a)\cdot \vec t = 0\\ \Pi_2\to (p-a)\cdot\left((b-a)\times \vec t\right)=0\\ \Pi_3\to (p-\frac 12(a+b))\cdot(b-a) = 0 } $$

giving $c$. Now, the circle can be parametrized as

$$ p = c + r\left(\vec e_1\cos\theta+\vec e_2\sin\theta\right) $$


$$ \cases{\vec e_1 = \vec t\\ \vec u = (b-a)-\left((b-a)\cdot \vec t\right)\vec t\\ \vec e_2 = \frac{\vec u}{|\vec u|}\\ r = |a-c| } $$

Included a plot when

$$ \cases{ a = (1,1,1)\\ b = (2,3,-2)\\ \vec t = (\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}},0,\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}) } $$

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