Finding ch. polynomial and Jordan normal form of $f$ knowing $\dim\ker f=2$ and there are $a,b$ not in $\ker f$ such that $f^2(a)=0, f(b)=b$

jordan-normal-formlinear algebralinear-transformationsmatricesvector-spaces

Given a vector space V of dimension $4$, let $f$ be an endomorphism such that $\dim(\ker f)=2$. Assuming there exist $a,b\in V\setminus \ker f$ such that $f^2(a)=0, f(b)=b$ I should find $\chi_f$ and the Jordan normal form of $f$.

I would like feedback on my approach, which I came up with trying to follow the answer to a related question of mine : $f(f(a))=0, f(b)=b$ and we know both $f(a)$ and $b$ are nonzero, which means $f(a)$ is an eigenvector of $f$, associated with the eigenvalue $\lambda_0=0$ and $b$ is an eigenvector of $f$, associated with the eigenvalue $\lambda_1=1$.

In particular the geometric multiplicity of $\lambda_0$ is $\dim\ker (f-\lambda_0I)=\dim(\ker f)=2$, i.e. there are $2$ Jordan blocks relative to $\lambda_0=0$. Now, $f(a)$ and $b$ form a basis for a $2\times2$ Jordan block, therefore we can conclude $$J=\begin{bmatrix} 1&0&0&0\\ 0&0&1&0\\ 0&0&0&0\\ 0&0&0&0\end{bmatrix} \ \text{and} \ \chi_f(\lambda)=\lambda^3(\lambda-1). $$Is this correct?

Best Answer

Your answer is correct and your reasoning is mostly correct. However I don't understand how you can conclude that $f(a), b$ form a basis for a $2 \times 2$ Jordan block? For starters they have different eigenvalues so they can't possibly be in the same Jordan block. Want you want to say is the following.

There are at least two distinct $0$-Jordan blocks, corresponding to $\operatorname{ker}(f)$, and $\operatorname{ker}(f^{2})$. From the data you have got it you should be able to see that $\operatorname{dim}\operatorname{ker}(f) = 2$, and that $$ \operatorname{dim}\operatorname{ker}(f^{2}) > \operatorname{dim}\operatorname{ker}(f) = 2. $$ But since $$ \operatorname{dim}\operatorname{ker}(f - \operatorname{Id}) \geq 1, $$ we have that $$ 3 \leq \operatorname{dim}\operatorname{ker}(f^{2}) \leq 4 - 1 = 3, $$ and so $\operatorname{dim}\operatorname{ker}(f^{2}) = 3$. Thus we have

$$ \operatorname{dim}\operatorname{ker}(f) = 2, \ \operatorname{dim}\operatorname{ker}(f^{2}) = 3, \ \operatorname{dim}\operatorname{ker}(f - \operatorname{Id}) = 1 $$

Then our Jordan decomposition is

$$ \operatorname{ker}(f) \oplus \left(\operatorname{ker}(f^{2}) / \operatorname{ker}(f)\right) \oplus \operatorname{ker}(f - \operatorname{Id}) $$

With $\operatorname{dim}\operatorname{ker}(f) = 2, \operatorname{dim}\left( \operatorname{ker}(f^{2}) / \operatorname{ker}(f) \right) = 1$, and $\operatorname{dim}\operatorname{ker}(f - \operatorname{Id}) = 1$.

Thus we have a $(2\times 2)$-Jordan block for eigenvalue zero, a $(1 \times 1)$-Jordan block for eigenvalue zero, and a $(1 \times 1)$-Jordan block for eigenvalue $1$. So we are done.

In case there is any confusion, the bases for the Jordan blocks are:

$(2 \times 2)$-$0$-Jordan block: $\{f(a), a\}$,

$(1 \times 1)$-$0$-Jordan block: $\{u \}$ where $u \in \ker{f} \backslash \operatorname{Span}\{ f(a) \}$,

$(1 \times 1)$-$1$-Jordan block: $\{ b \}$