Finding area of rectangle with height ‘x’ enclosed within triangle of height ‘h’ and base ‘b’


A rectangle with a height x is drawn with its base lying on the base of the triangle. The triangle has an altitude with height h and the length of its base is b. How can I calculate the area of the enclosed rectangle in terms of these three variables?

diagram here

Best Answer

$\bigtriangleup{AXC} \sim \bigtriangleup{EFC}$ [by $AA$ corollary]
Thus $\frac{AX}{XC}=\frac{EF}{FC} \Rightarrow \frac{h}{XC} =\frac{x}{FC} \Rightarrow \frac{XC}{h} =\frac{FC}{x} $
Similarly for $\bigtriangleup{AXB} \sim \bigtriangleup{DGB}$:-
$\frac{AX}{XB} = \frac{DG}{GB} \Rightarrow \frac{h}{XB}=\frac{x}{GB} \Rightarrow \frac{XB}{h}=\frac{GB}{x}$
Now add the above two equations:- $$\frac{XB+XC}{h}=\frac{FC+GB}{x}$$ $$\Rightarrow \frac{b}{h} = \frac{b-GF}{x}$$ $$\Rightarrow b-GF = \frac{bx}{h}$$ $$\Rightarrow GF = b-\frac{bx}{h}$$ So the area of the rectangle is $x[b-\frac{bx}{h}]\Rightarrow xb[1-\frac{x}{h}]$

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