Finding an order isomorphism from $\text{On}\times\text{On}$ to $\text{On}$


Let $\text{On}$ be the class of all ordinals and let $\leq_{\text{c}}$ be the canonical well-ordering on $\text{On}\times\text{On}$. More specifically, $\preceq$ is defined as follows.

Let $\left(\alpha,\beta\right),\left(\gamma,\zeta\right)\in\text{On}\times\text{On}$. Then $\left(\alpha,\beta\right)\leq_{\text{c}}\left(\gamma,\zeta\right)$ if and only if one of the following hold:

  1. $\alpha\cup\beta<\gamma\cup\zeta$.

  2. $\alpha\cup\beta=\gamma\cup\zeta$ and $\alpha<\gamma$.

  3. $\alpha\cup\beta=\gamma\cup\zeta$, $\alpha=\gamma$, and $\beta\leq\zeta$.

Here, $\leq$ is the standard ordering on ordinals.

I have shown that every proper segment of this well-ordered class is a set. This allows me to define a function $\Gamma:\text{On}\times\text{On}\rightarrow\text{On}$ by $$\Gamma\left(\left(\alpha,\beta\right)\right)=\text{Ord}\left\{ \left(\zeta,\eta\right)\in\text{On}\times\text{On}:\left(\zeta,\eta\right)<_{\text{c}}\left(\alpha,\beta\right)\right\} $$ for all $\left(\alpha,\beta\right)\in\text{On}\times\text{On}$.

Here, $\text{Ord}$ is the function which maps each well-ordered set to the unique ordinal which is order isomorphic to it. I want to show that $\Gamma$ is an order isomorphism. I have shown that it is strictly increasing. Now I just have to show that it is surjective. This is the problem I am facing. I can't seem to show that it is surjective. I have tried using induction but that got me nowhere. Any ideas?

Best Answer

This is actually much simpler than you'd expect, if you pay attention to the right things. In fact, you've almost proved this already.

Since $\Gamma$ is a strictly increasing function, its range cannot be a set of ordinals. So it has to be unbounded. But now simply note that if $\Gamma(\alpha,\beta)=\gamma$ and $\delta<\gamma$, then there is a unique initial segment below $(\alpha,\beta)$ which is isomorphic to $\delta$. And by well-ordering, there is a least $(\alpha',\beta')$ below $(\alpha,\beta)$ such that $\Gamma(\alpha',\beta')=\delta$.

In other words, we show that the image must be downwards closed, and not bounded (i.e., not a set). Therefore it has to be an isomorphism.

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