Finding an explicit homeomorphism from D^2 / S^1 to S^2


so I've seen a similar question from about 10 years ago on here, but I didn't see anything really alluding to the direction I was trying to write an explicit homeomorphism in, and I've just been struggling a little bit (I think it is the seeming asymmetry of the problem that might be confusing me). Here's what I've done so far;

$D^2 / S^1$ is defined as the unit disk, quotient out by the equivalence relation $~$ which is generated by identifying all points on the boundary of $D^2$ with each other. To map this space to the unit sphere $S^2$, I am thinking I should map;

  • the center $(0,0)$ onto the north pole

  • all circles with radius less than some value $a$ onto circles on
    the upper hemisphere of S^2

  • the circle of radius $a$ onto the equator

  • all circles with radius greater than $a$ (but less than 1) onto
    circles on the lower hemisphere

  • and finally mapping the equivalence class corresponding to the
    boundary onto the south pole.

I have come up with the north hemisphere map (I think);

$ (x,y) \rightarrow (\frac{x}{a}, \frac{y}{a}, \sqrt{1 – \frac{x^2 + y^2}{a^2} } )$

This satisfies the equation of the sphere, and should be bijective (when the image is considered to be the upper hemisphere). I cannot for the life of me figure out the mapping onto the lower hemisphere though! can anyone please tell me what I am missing, as I am sure there should be some sort of reflection + translation business one can perform to obtain the proper map for the lower half of the sphere. Thanks heaps for reading.

Best Answer

Your approach is absolutely correct. The idea is to define $f : D^2 \to S^2$ by mapping

  • $0 \in D^2$ to the north pole $n$ of $S^2$
  • each circle $S^1_t = \{ z \in D^2 \mid \lVert z \rVert = t \}$ with $0 < t < 1$ homeomorphically onto to the circle $S^2_t = S^2 \cap (\mathbb R^2 \times \{1-2t\})$
  • the circle $S^1 = S^1_1$ onto the south pole $s$ of $S^2$

The circle $S^2_t$ has radius $r_t = \sqrt{1 -(1-2t)^2} = 2\sqrt{t - t^2}$. From this "motivational construction" we get the explicit formula $$f(z) = \begin{cases} (0,1) & z = 0 \\ \left(\frac{2\sqrt{\lVert z \rVert - \lVert z \rVert^2}}{\lVert z \rVert}z, 1 - 2\lVert z \rVert \right) & z \ne 0 \end{cases}$$ Continuity in all $z \ne 0$ is obvious. Continuity in $z = 0$ follows from $$\lVert f(z) - f(0) \rVert^2 = 4(\lVert z \rVert - \lVert z \rVert^2) +4 \lVert z \rVert^2 = 4 \lVert z \rVert$$ which shows that $f(z) \to f(0)$ as $z \to 0$. By construction $f$ maps $D^2 \setminus S^1$ bijectively onto $S^2 \setminus \{s\}$. You can verify this formally: For $0 < \lVert z \rVert, \lVert z' \rVert < 1$ the equation $f(z) = f(z')$ implies $\lVert z \rVert = \lVert z' \rVert$ (compare second coordinates) and hence $z = z'$ (compare first coordinates where $\lVert z \rVert = \lVert z' \rVert$). Moreover, for $0 < t < 1$ each point $(w,1-2t) \in S^2_t$ (which means that $\lVert w \rVert^2 + (1-2t)^2 = 1$, i.e. $\lVert w \rVert = 2\sqrt{t - t^2}$) has the form $f(z)$ with $z = \frac{t}{2\sqrt{t - t^2}}w$; just note that $\lVert z \rVert = t$.

Since $f$ maps $S^1$ onto $s \in S^2$, we see that $f$ induces a homeomorphism $$h : D^2/S^1 \to S^2, h([z]) = f(z).$$