Finding all primes $k$ such that some integer right triangle with perimeter $510$ has area $510k$

areadiscrete mathematicsgeometrytriangles

So I've tried this question for a while now, but can't seem to get an answer. I tried to equate $z$ but don't know how to proceed. Can someone help?

In a $\triangle XYZ$, $\angle XYZ = 90^\circ$. Also $XY= x$, $YZ = y$, and $ZX = z$.

Suppose that $x$, $y$, and $z$ are integers, perimeter $P= 510$, and area $A= kP$, for some prime number $k$. Determine all possible values of $k$.

My solution so far

My solution so far

Best Answer

Your conclusion is not exactly right. Suppose $z = 251$. Then $$k = \frac{255-251}{2} = \frac{4}{2} = 2$$ which is prime.

One solution just by looking at the Pythagorean triples might be to just figure out if any of them work with a perimeter of 510. For example, $(5, 12, 13)$ is a well-known primitive triple. Also, $$ 5a + 12a + 13a = 510 \implies a = 17 $$

Thus, $$x = 5a = 85 \\ y = 12a = 204 \\ z = 13a = 221$$ is an integer set of sides which satisfies your solution since $$k = \frac{255-221}{2} = \frac{34}{2} = 17 $$ which is prime.