Finding a polynomial that interpolates data (Newton’s method with Horner’s method)

numerical methods

Problem Find the polynomial that interpolates the data:
\hline x & 3 & 7 \\
\hline y & 5 & -1

So I have Newton's polynomials given by
p_{0}(x)=c_{0}, \quad p_{i}(x)=p_{i-1}(x)+c_{i} \prod_{j=0}^{i-1}\left(x-x_{j}\right), \quad i=0, \ldots, n

and the constants $c_i,i=0,…,n$ are given by

In general we have $n+1$ data points. In my case I have $n+1=2$ data points. The resulting polynomial form the interpolation will be of degree $n$, right?

Which part of this entire method is Newton's method for interpolation and which part is Horner's method for calculating the polynomials $p_i$ ?

Best Answer

As you stated, $p$ forms the Newton polynomial, which is just one way to write/find a polynomial interpolation.

Horner's method is a special way of writing polynomials which allows for more efficient evaluation. In the the particular case of Newton polynomials, one may write the solution in the form


which allows one to avoid evaluating lots of products (repeated calculation of $(x-x_0)(x-x_1)(x-x_2)\dots$).